Second Week of Session!

With the first full week of the 2024 General Assembly Session behind us, I wanted to provide you with some updates from Richmond and information about the work the General Assembly has undertaken thus far.

The committees I have been appointed to - Labor and Commerce, Health and Human Services, Communications Technology and Innovation, and Counties Cities and Towns - have started meeting and considering bills. In just this first week, we have had productive hearings in several committees. I even had the privilege of chairing my first meeting on Friday: Counties, Cities & Towns Sub # 1, where we heard bills to amend the charters of the cities of Falls Church, Virginia Beach and Leesburg, plus a great bill by my friend and colleague from Newport News, Delegate Shelly Simonds, dealing with healthy communities strategies.

On Thursday, I was proud to vote alongside my House Democratic colleagues to advance legislation to increase Virginia’s minimum wage to $15 an hour. In 2024 terms, that is still nowhere near enough for our friends and neighbors who are scrambling to make ends meet – but it’s a step in the right direction. I firmly believe that raising the minimum wage is about more than economic justice and racial justice, but is also about dignity for working families in Fairfax County and across the Commonwealth.

It was a history-making moment when we welcomed three new members last week to the Virginia Asian American and Pacific Islander Caucus, which I am so thrilled to chair this session. I thoroughly enjoyed participating with other Caucus members in the Hamkae Center's Legislative Panel. The Hamkae Center does amazing work organizing for social and racial justice in Virginia.

My office has also had the chance to meet already with many advocacy organizations to hear their priorities for this session. We are committed to uplifting the issues that matter most to our community.

We have now released a full summary of the legislation I am carrying this session. I invite you to review the bills on the LIS website or on the social media carousel my team has prepared. Even beyond my own sponsored bills, please feel free to browse the many bills I have co-patroned as well to get a full picture of the issues I aim to support.

It is always wonderful to get a visit from you! Please call my office at 804-698-1008 or email anytime to schedule a visit to my new office in the General Assembly Building, #1115. My door is always open. My entire team - Chief of Staff Kristina, Administrative Assistant Becky, Legislative Interns Mrudula and Carolyn, and Legislative Aide Noor - is ready to assist you however we can. We are grateful for the honor of serving you and our district.

I look forward to continuing to keep you updated on our work in Richmond. Thank you for trusting me to represent the priorities of our community and Commonwealth.


Week Three of the 2024 General Assembly Session


First Week of Session 2024!